Non-bonding Interactions in Proteins

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Non-bonding Interactions in Proteins

The basis of non-bonded interactions are the electronic and nuclear charges?

Thus one treatment of non-bonded interactions...

Another type of interaction that produces an attraction between atoms is ...

Within proteins there are some fairly large permenant charge separations.

Interactions of dipoles...

The aromatic residues of proteins have quadrupole moments

What prevents an attraction between charged groups from fusing the atoms?

Combined short range interactions, the Lennard-Jones potential:

The van der Waals potential...

Most Authors also consider the Hydrogen bond as a specific interaction

H-bond has a distinct, but small angle dependence

Another contribution to protein folding is the hydrophobic effect...

Author: J. E. Wampler


This presentation draws heavily on the excellent review by Burley & Petsko:

S. K. Burley and G. A. Petsko (1988) "Weakly Polar Interactions in Proteins," Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol. 39, Academic Press, NY, pp. 125-189.

Another helpful reference is:

G. D. Rose and R. Wolfenden (1993) "Hydrogen Bonding, Hydrophobicity, Packing and Protein Folding," in Annual Reviews of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure 22, 381-415.